Creator, Visionary, Owner
Roots to Roses: Celebrating the Art of Self-Discovery
At Roots to Roses, I believe that art has the power to heal and transform. My mission is to create art pieces that inspire self-discovery, creativity, and inner growth. My crystal trees are a physical representation of the beauty and strength that lies within each one of us. I am passionate about celebrating the art of self-discovery and guiding our clients towards a path of internal love.
My Story
Raising myself I always knew that I deserved better. As a child I did not know what that looked like, given that survival mode was all that I had known. I did make the decision at a very young age that I was going to do the complete opposite from what I saw and experienced. As a growing child, teenager, and early adult I simply never fit in. Traditional “societal norms'' were not my thing and often left me feeling extremely isolated and alone. Additionally, I struggled with understanding and obtaining true happiness.
In 2014 I had my daughter and from that moment my sole purpose was to be happy. If I couldn’t do it for me, I promised myself that I would do it for her. As a single momma I promised her that I would give her better than I had. In 2016 I started my healing journey the traditional way, and although beneficial, I had an inner knowing that there was more. In November of 2019 I felt a strong feeling to move inward and decided to change my career path.
Fast forward to April 2020 and my life changed. I started a new job that was completely remote. It was terrifying starting a new job at the start of COVID when what was going on with the world was unknown. What I did know was that I could not limit myself and my trajectory out of fear. I moved forth with the job I applied for months before and again, found myself completely alone. Like the rest of the world, the reminder of 2020 was painful for me. In 2021 I felt a strong feeling to connect to spirituality and dove in full force. This not only provided mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional healing for me, it also provided the connection I had been longing for.
As I watched myself flourish, I noticed that my senses were starting to heighten. In 2021 a tragic event occurred that I had an inner knowing was coming beforehand. I exhausted myself trying to warn those that would be impacted by it. Still, no one chose to listen. I was physically and mentally drained. At that point I realized I had enough and that it was time to put myself first. I dove deeper into spirituality and literally changed my life. My focus went from appeasing others to putting myself first. At the end of 2021 I went by myself to a spiritual retreat in North Carolina and experienced a form of a rebirth. I learned a lot about my heightened senses and became infatuated with the world of metaphysical and holistic healing. I returned home with a connection I had not felt before, a new purpose, a deeply rooted passion for healing, an interest in the healing properties of crystals, and a renewed appreciation for Mother Nature.
Mother nature is something that I have always felt connected to. I wanted to honor my appreciation by having a crystal tree. I was unable to find any locally and decided to create my own. I was not someone that I viewed as creative and often giggle at the fact that I even had the idea. As an intuitive, I asked my angels and guides to be with me in the process. They told me that not only would they guide me to creating a tree, that they would provide a forest. That there is a need for intuitive artwork that heals an individual, invites the beauty of nature into their home, and carries a powerful story of resilience, faith, and an inner knowing that they too deserve better.
After I started creating I realized that I have always been creative. As I reflected I realized that as a child I channeled my creation in a different way. I showed it through problem solving, observation, being analytical, and simply just surviving.
Creating trees is not just an art, it’s a mindset. It is the start to my story of empowerment that I knew I deserved and would obtain more. They are a physical representation that investing and believing in yourself will lead you down a path of self-discovery and internal love. As you move inward your vibration increases and with that, the Law of Attraction kicks in. Abundance in all forms will enter your life, as it did with mine. Although I still have triggers and at times still struggle with the word happiness, I have officially obtained the happiness that I was seeking when I welcomed my daughter into this world.
Creating trees was the starting point to connect me to the world that I fit in with. Since doing that I have continued to increase my senses and am expanding on products that I create, along with offering different services. There is much more to come, this is simply the starting place. The possibilities are infinite as I have complete faith in the person writing the story, me <3